Friday, February 10, 2006

A-Z of Me

Got this from Mrs Aginoth's site.

A-Z of me
Age - 30

Booze - All the girly things - vodka, peach schnapps. D's cocktails!

Career - Once in politics, but now working in community liaison for a national charity in London

Dad's name - John

Essential Item to Bring to a Party - Not a huge party animal, but a bottle.

Favorite Song(s)/Music - Anything from the musicals. One Day More from Les Miserables. Scenes From An Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel.

Goof Off Thing To Do - read, watch films, trawl the internet.

Hometown - Glasgow

Instrument You Play: At school I was a percussionist. Now I have a violin which I can't play and no violin teacher.

Jam You Like: Strawberry, only strawberry.

Kids - None and have no intentions.

Living Arrangement - Married 2 years

Mum's Name - Ann

Name of Best Friend - Don't know. David probably

Overnight Hospital Stays - 10 days in Yeovil hospital in 2004 for a gallbladder removal.

Phobias - Flying. Crocodiles/Alligators - they don't belong in this millenium, they should have gone with the dinosaurs.

Quote You Like - I always like quotes when I hear them, but never remember them.

Relationship That Lasted the Longest - My husband - 5 years so far

Siblings - None

True love, ever had? - Yes, with my husband. And a couple of unrequited loves too.

Unique Trait - I have no idea. I am an amazing ranter.

Vegetable You Love - Carrots or leeks fried in butter.

Worst Trait - I jump to some fairly spectacular conclusions at times. And I can be a bit selfish.

X-rays you've had - Dental, when I was having gall-bladder, once on my leg. Never broken any bones.

Yummy Food You Make - Did a nice lamb once. And a damn good risotto.

Zodiac Sign - Capricorn.

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